Tuesday, June 30, 2009

X's Blog

Well, this was an interesting weekend…a lot going on… Let’s see if I can get any kind of coherent thought out for you:

So the day before Identity Crisis unveils Battle Scars one of our biggest influences dies. He collapses while preparing for a tour. We each handle his death in our own way and on our own terms…then the next day comes. Not even 24 hours after his death people are making jokes made and there’s disrespect all over. I’m not here to get in to a “did he or didn’t he,” I’m just saying that Anna Nicole Smith received more respect when she died. Not saying she shouldn’t have had respect shown…but did she influence generations? Let me repeat that a little louder for the people that forgot he did anything other than what the news spouted out…generations. I just wonder if these people’s lives were spied on and held under a microscope how would they look, act, and feel.

All that aside, I can try to tell you how I felt/feel about his passing and the timing of it. I felt at first that the timing was horrible. I mean, the day before we release our album, a hero dies – talk about taking the wind out of your sails. But then I started to think that maybe this was, in a way, a sign. My brothers and I feel like we give a high energy show that leaves the crowd exhausted, but excited – exactly the way we feel when we watched our favorite musicians and performers. I don’t want anyone to read in to this too much, but I feel as though we can be next. Not as big…never as big…but I think the stage show has lost its flare these days and that there are very few artists out there who actually entertain their audiences. That being said - I think Identity Crisis can be a performing group where you hear music that you can vibe to and enjoy and at the same time you can walk away from the show feeling in awe at what you saw. The experience is one you won’t soon forget…

For those wondering…the album release went great. The show the following day was also dope and we hope to have some audio/video/pictures from the whole weekend up soon.

One Love,

R.I.P. to Ed. McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and one of the best to ever perform for a crowd - Michael Jackson. Thank you for everything all three of you have taught us as performers.

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